Page Bean Component Controls


Page Bean Components

Page Bean Components are dialogs (XML definition + Java code + resources) that encapsulate a certain aspect to be re-used. Page Bean Components can be complete parts of a page (e.g. an address dialog that can be used everywhere where an address is shown) or can be simple controls with specific additional functions (e.g. a field in which certain checks and validations are automatically done) – the level of granularity is up to you.

All resources of Page Bean Components (the .xml layout definition, the .class file of its compiled Java source, the .svg files of images, ...) are loaded via class loader. This means at delivery point of time all resources of a Page Bean Component are part of a .jar-file in which the Page Bean Component is included.

Page Bean Components can be embedded into a page by using the component PAGEBEANCOMPONENT – which is a generic control embedding any page bean component. They can be configured by using the attribute PAGEBEANINITDATA which contains a sequence of parameters (“name1:value1;name2:value2;...”) which is typically passed into the page bean component during its initialization.

Page Bean Components now can be also directly managed as controls of a control library.

Example: instead of defining...

<t:row ...>








</t:row> now can define:

<t:row ...>










This is what the first chapter of this documentation is about: “upgrading page bean components”.

Page Bean Component Controls

Page Bean Component Controls are an extended variant of Page Bean Components - and transfer them into controls that not only can be configured by attributes but that also write back information.

Let's compare: a normal FIELD-control provides an attribute TEXT – which binds to some property on Java side by some expression (“#{d.TextUI.textValue}”). This expression is used in two directions, the current value is transferred into the control, and changes to the value within the control are passed back into the property.

The same now can be done with Page Bean Component Controls: the following Page Bean Component Control TOUCHDATE is a control by which the user can input some date using touch buttons:

The internal processing of the component is a Page Bean processing: i.e. the definition and arrangement of buttons and labels to form a date-dialog is done by a corresponding layout definition (.jsp/.xml) and the implementation is done by corresponding Java-processing.

The control is used in the following way:

<t:rowbodypane id="g_4" >

    <t:row id="g_6" >

        <demo:touchdate id="g_7" value="#{d.TestUI.dateValue}" />




You see: the usage of the control is “just normal” - and does not show the inner structure of the control to the user. The definition of the controls within a layout is identical to a normal FIELD or CALENDARFIELD definition.

The new issue: the page bean processing can write back data to the expressions that are passed. Which means: changes to the date within the TOUCHDATE control directly update the value that is bound by the VALUE-expression.

Consequence: There is no difference between using the TOUCHDATE component (internally being based on Page Bean processing) and e.g. the CALENDARFIELD compoinent (internally being based on Client-side JavaScript processing):

<t:rowbodypane id="g_4" >

    <t:row id="g_6" >

        <demo:touchdate id="g_7" value="#{d.TestUI.dateValue}" .../>

        <t:calendarfield id="g_8" value="#{d.TestUI.dateValue}" .../>




Within the Layout Editor the component is available as all other components:

The control provides certain attributes (e.g. “enabled” or “value”) - which can be bound by direct values or by expression values. The binding can be used into both directions – both for reading the data or (in case of expression binding) for writing data.

This is what the second – and longer – part of this documentation “Page Bean Component Controls” is about.

Linkage between the Page Bean processing and the Control processing

For both scenarios – upgrading Page Bean Components to controls and developing Page Bean Component Controls – you need to define a linkage between the control processing and the Page Bean processing. But: this is rather simple and just a matter of:

Create the control library

The major part of creating all the required information is done by invoking the function “Create control library extension...” in the Layout Editor:


Certain files will be generated within your project. Most important:

Two dummy classes will be generated:

The classes are the ones to be copied and pasted by you to create the Component- and Tag-class for your control.

Upgrading Page Bean Components

As example we use our component “CCDataGridView2” which is use-able as control “tpbc:datagridview2”.

Register the Control in XML files

The control and its init parameters are registered in “ccontrollibrary.xml”:







        <!-- attributes -->










The arrangement inside the Layout Editor is done in “controlsarrangement.xml”:

    <tag name="t:row" below="tpbc:datagridview2"/>

    <tag name="tpbc:datagridview2" folder="Grids" below="tpbc:datagridview2column"/>


The mandatory attributes are defined in “controlattributeusage.xml”:

    <tag name="tpbc:datagridview2">

        <attribute name="pagebeanbinding"/>



The favorite attributes are defined in “controlfavoriteattributes.xml”:

    <tag name="tpbc:datagridview2">

        <attribute name="pagebeanbinding"/>

        <attribute name="shownullcontent"/>



Write the Component- and Tag-class

The class “democontrols/” is:

package org.eclnt.ccaddons.pbc.ccpbc;


import org.eclnt.jsfserver.elements.BaseComponentPageBeanWrapper;


public class DATAGRIDVIEW2Component extends BaseComponentPageBeanWrapper




There is no specific coding to be added to this class.

The class “democontrols/” is:

package org.eclnt.ccaddons.pbc.ccpbc;


import org.eclnt.ccaddons.pbc.datagridview2.CCDataGridView2;

import org.eclnt.jsfserver.elements.BaseComponentTagPageBeanWrapper;


public class DATAGRIDVIEW2ComponentTag extends BaseComponentTagPageBeanWrapper



    protected String getPageBeanClassName() { return CCDataGridView2.class.getName(); }



The only coding you need to do is to override the getPageBeanClassName() method and return the class of the Page Bean Component that should be used inside the control.


In case of the CCDataGridView2 component, the configuration also includes sub-configurations, which are at runtime passed by the method:


    public void initializePageBeanConfigItems(List<PageBeanConfigItem> configItems)







These sub-configurations also need to be transferred in to a corresponding control – following the exact same procedure which was descrived in the previous text:

Developing Page Bean Component Controls


Developing a Page Bean Component Control means that two aspects of CaptainCasa development are combined:


We want to create a component “TOUCHDATE”:

The component is based on Page Bean Component processing and is use-able as direct, “real” control:

<t:rowbodypane id="g_4" >

    <t:row id="g_6" >

        <demo:touchdate id="g_8" actionListener="#{d.TesttouchdateUI.onSomeDate1Action}" enabled="true" value="#{d.TesttouchdateUI.someDate1}" />




The component binds via expression to a property in “just the normal” way:


public LocalDate getSomeDate1() { ... }

public void setSomeDate1(LocalDate value) { ... }

Develop the “PageBeanComponentAsControl”


Within the Layout Editor switch to the “Source” tab and create a layout in the following way:

After creating the layout the Layout Editor will open a dialog in which you define the class name for the component. Stay with the defaults that are proposed:

The following files will be generated:

Inside the “” file you will find additional information for registering the component.

Adjust Dispatcher settings


    <managedpackage name="demcontrols"/>



Implement the component – Layout

Just use the normal Layout Editor functions to design the layout of your component

<t:pagebeanroot id="g_1" >

    <t:pane id="g_2" border="#00000030" comment="Only one component is allowed below pagebeanroot!" rounding="#{ccstylevalue['@containerExposedRounding@']}" >

        <t:beanprocessing id="g_3" beanbinding="#{d.TouchDate}" />

        <t:row id="g_17" >

            <t:button id="g_15" actionListener="#{d.TouchDate.onPlusYearAction}" doubleclickenabled="true" enabled="#{d.TouchDate.enabledValue}" rounding="0" text="+" width="100" />

            <t:button id="g_18" actionListener="#{d.TouchDate.onPlusMonthAction}" doubleclickenabled="true" enabled="#{d.TouchDate.enabledValue}" rounding="0" text="+" width="50" />

            <t:button id="g_19" actionListener="#{d.TouchDate.onPlusAction}" doubleclickenabled="true" enabled="#{d.TouchDate.enabledValue}" rounding="0" text="+" width="50" />


        <t:row id="g_8" >

            <t:label id="g_9" align="center" stylevariant="ccbig" text="#{d.TouchDate.dateYear}" width="100" />

            <t:label id="g_11" align="center" stylevariant="ccbig" text="#{d.TouchDate.dateMonth}" width="50" />

            <t:label id="g_13" align="center" stylevariant="ccbig" text="#{d.TouchDate.dateDay}" width="50" />


        <t:row id="g_20" >

            <t:button id="g_21" actionListener="#{d.TouchDate.onMinusYearAction}" doubleclickenabled="true" enabled="#{d.TouchDate.enabledValue}" rounding="0" text="-" width="100" />

            <t:button id="g_23" actionListener="#{d.TouchDate.onMinusMonthAction}" doubleclickenabled="true" enabled="#{d.TouchDate.enabledValue}" rounding="0" text="-" width="50" />

            <t:button id="g_24" actionListener="#{d.TouchDate.onMinusAction}" doubleclickenabled="true" enabled="#{d.TouchDate.enabledValue}" rounding="0" text="-" width="50" />





Implement the component – Java Code

The implementation uses the following base classes

The class implements the empty interface “IPageBeanComponentAsControlImplicitlyCreateInstance”


package democontrols;



import java.time.LocalDate;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;


import org.eclnt.editor.annotations.CCGenClass;

import org.eclnt.jsfserver.pagebean.PageBeanComponentAsControlConfigItem;

import org.eclnt.jsfserver.pagebean.componentascontrol.IPageBeanComponentAsControlImplicitlyCreateInstance;

import org.eclnt.jsfserver.pagebean.componentascontrol.PageBeanComponentAsControlWithAction;

import org.eclnt.jsfserver.pagebean.componentascontrol.attributeReference;

import org.eclnt.jsfserver.pagebean.componentascontrol.valuemgmt.AttributeReferenceBoolean;

import org.eclnt.jsfserver.pagebean.componentascontrol.valuemgmt.AttributeReferenceLocalDate;

import org.eclnt.jsfserver.util.valuemgmt.IValueDelegation;


@CCGenClass (expressionBase="#{d.TouchDate}")

public class TouchDate

    extends PageBeanComponentAsControlWithAction

    implements Serializable, IPageBeanComponentAsControlImplicitlyCreateInstance


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // members

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------



    private AttributeReferenceLocalDate m_valueRef = new AttributeReferenceLocalDate(;


    private AttributeReferenceBoolean m_enabledRef = new AttributeReferenceBoolean(true);


    int m_dateDay;

    int m_dateMonth;

    int m_dateYear;


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // constructors & initialization

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------


    public TouchDate()




    public String getRootExpressionUsedInPage() { return "#{d.TouchDate}"; }


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // public usage

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------


    // following members are only "valid" during rendering phase. Their value

    // is set in metho onBeforeRendering().

    public int getDateDay() { return m_dateDay; }

    public int getDateMonth() { return m_dateMonth; }

    public int getDateYear() { return m_dateYear; }


    public boolean getEnabled() { return m_enabledRef.getValue(); }



    public void onBeforeRendering()


        LocalDate d = m_valueRef.getValue();

        m_dateYear = d.getYear();

        m_dateMonth = d.getMonthValue();

        m_dateDay = d.getDayOfMonth();




    public void initializePageBean(Map<String, String> fixParams, Map<String, IValueDelegation<?>> dynParams)





    public void onMinusAction(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent event)


        LocalDate d = m_valueRef.getValue();

        d = d.minusDays(1);





    public void onPlusAction(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent event)


        LocalDate d = m_valueRef.getValue();

        d = d.plusDays(1);





    public void onPlusYearAction(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent event)


        LocalDate d = m_valueRef.getValue();

        d = d.plusYears(1);





    public void onMinusYearAction(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent event)


        LocalDate d = m_valueRef.getValue();

        d = d.minusYears(1);





    public void onPlusMonthAction(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent event)


        LocalDate d = m_valueRef.getValue();

        d = d.plusMonths(1);





    public void onMinusMonthAction(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent event)


        LocalDate d = m_valueRef.getValue();

        d = d.minusMonths(1);





    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // private usage

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------


    private void throwFlushEvent()






In the example there are two configuration attributes that are provided by the component

All attributes are implemented using extensions of “AttributeReference”

Register the PageBean as control

Now you need to register the page bean that you have developed as control that can be placed in layout definitions and that is available within the Layout Editor environment.

XML registration - cccontrollibrary.xml

The main registration of the control is done in “cccontrollibrary.xml”:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<taglib prefix="demo"








        <!-- attributes -->






There are a few default attributes that you need to define. These attributes are managed internally, you do not have to explicitly implement them:

The other attributes (here: “value” and “enabled”) are attributes that you need to take care of within your page bean implementation.

XML registration – controlsarrangement.xml

In the file “controlsarrangement.xml” you define how the new control can be placed within existing components.


    <tag name="t:row" below="demo:touchdate"/>

    <tag name="demo:touchdate" folder="Touchscreen"/>



In addition you can set up in which menu folder the control will be places within the popup menu of the Layout Editor. The result is:

XML registration – controlattributeusage.xml and controlfavoritattributes.xml


Both configuration files are optional – but help the users of the control to assign correct attribute values when using the component later on:

    <tag name="demo:touchdate">

        <attribute name="value"/>

        <expressionattribute name="value"/>



    <tag name="demo:touchdate">

        <attribute name="enabled"/>

        <attribute name="value"/>



Control implementation

For each control there are two classes to be provided:

Both classes are typically generated when creating the code for the control:

package democontrols;


import org.eclnt.jsfserver.elements.BaseComponentPageBeanWrapper;


public class TOUCHDATEComponent extends BaseComponentPageBeanWrapper




package democontrols;


import org.eclnt.jsfserver.elements.BaseComponentTagPageBeanWrapper;


public class TOUCHDATEComponentTag extends BaseComponentTagPageBeanWrapper



    protected String getPageBeanClassName() { return democontrols.TouchDate.class.getName(); }



Test the new control

Reload project and Restart toolset



<t:beanprocessing id="g_1" beanbinding="#{d.TesttouchdateUI}" />

<t:rowbodypane id="g_4" >

    <t:row id="g_6" >

        <zzzz:touchdate id="g_8" actionListener="#{d.TesttouchdateUI.onSomeDate1Action}" enabled="true" value="#{d.TesttouchdateUI.someDate1}" />





package managedbeans;



import java.time.LocalDate;


import org.eclnt.editor.annotations.CCGenClass;

import org.eclnt.jsfserver.defaultscreens.Statusbar;

import org.eclnt.jsfserver.pagebean.PageBean;


@CCGenClass (expressionBase="#{d.TesttouchdateUI}")


public class TesttouchdateUI

    extends PageBean

    implements Serializable


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // members

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------


    LocalDate m_someDate1 =;

    boolean m_someDate1Enabled = true;


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // constructors & initialization

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------


    public TesttouchdateUI()




    public String getPageName() { return "/testtouchdate.xml"; }

    public String getRootExpressionUsedInPage() { return "#{d.TesttouchdateUI}"; }


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // public usage

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------


    public LocalDate getSomeDate1() { return m_someDate1; }

    public void setSomeDate1(LocalDate value) { this.m_someDate1 = value; }

    public boolean getSomeDate1Enabled() { return m_someDate1Enabled; }

    public void setSomeDate1Enabled(boolean value) { this.m_someDate1Enabled = value; }


    public void onSomeDate1Action(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent event)


        Statusbar.outputMessage("Hello: " + m_someDate1.toString());




Selected Topics on Page Bean Component Controls

Creating own event classes

“Normal” event processing from client-side

When a a Browser-client is sending an event to be processed in an actionListener-method then it does so by sending the information in a String with the format:



Example: an “invoke” Event of e.g. a button is sent in the following way from the browser-client:



On server-side this String is converted into an event object of type “BaseActionEvent”. There is a sub-class for each event, e.g. the subclass for the event “invoke(...)” is “BaseActionEventInvoke”:

public class BaseActionEventInvoke extends BaseActionEvent


    public BaseActionEventInvoke(UIComponent component, String type)


        super(component, type);



    public int getX()




            return (new Integer(getParams()[0])).intValue();


        catch (Throwable t) { return -1; }







The implementation of the event class knows the sequence of the parameters – which is available inside the event by calling method “getParams()”. And it knows how to convert the String-based parameter into some other data type if required.

Now the same, but server-side

The same mechanism now is used to pass events from server-side control: with Page Bean Component Controls event is created and triggered by calling the method “delegateActionEvent()” and passing the String of the event as parameter:

private void throwFlushEvent()





The method “delegateActionEvent” is inherited from class PageBeanComponentAsControlWithAction.

Adding own event classes

Let's assume you want to create a new event which is “dateSelected”. And inside the event you want to indicate which parts of the date have changed – i.e. if the year and/or the month and/or the day changed.

You might call event in the following way...



...meaning the the first parameter indicates a change of the year, the second one a change of the month and the third one a change of the day.

To properly process the event you have to creata class “BaseActionEventDateSelected” extending “BaseActionEvent”.

package democontrols;


public class BaseActionEventDateSelected extends BaseActionEvent


    public BaseActionEventInvoke(UIComponent component, String type)


        super(component, type);




When calling the event then the values of the String “delegateActionEvent(false,false,true)” will be converted into a corresponding event of type BaseActionEventDateSelected – which then is passed into the actionListener processing.

The parameters of the event are available by calling “getParams()” in the event implementation – which returns a corresponding String-Array.

You might extend the event in order to properly pass back the parameters:

package democontrols;


public class BaseActionEventDateSelected extends BaseActionEvent


    public BaseActionEventInvoke(UIComponent component, String type)


        super(component, type);



    public boolean isYearChanged()


        return ValueManager.decodeBoolean(getParams()[0],false);


    public boolean isMonthChanged()


        return ValueManager.decodeBoolean(getParams()[1],false);


    public boolean isDayChanged()


        return ValueManager.decodeBoolean(getParams()[2],false);




Defining the events for the component in “controlevents.xml”

When defining an XML “controlevents.xml” with the following content....


    <tag name="demo:touchdate" events="DateSelected"/>

    <!-- “events” is a semicolon separated lists of events

                  triggered by the component -->



...then the Layout Editor of the CaptainCasa toolset will automatically show the user the events that are triggered by the component. The file is to be placed into the package <controllibPackage>/resources – the same package in which the “controlsarrangement.xml” file is placed.